Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Things have been going well for a while. I would like to take this opportunity to thank God for His Love, His protection, and most of all, His MERCIES, towards me and my loved ones.
Last weekend was all about graduations...Chris, Oke, Aku, Adanma...and the list goes on. I thank God for journey mercies as we drove to and from Michigan (a long 18hrs+ on the road in total). It was a fun weekend and there will be pics to be shown...real soon.

Thankfully, my mind and heart are lighter...more free...more at peace. Though this past weekend held alot of happy moments, it did carry with it alot of heavy ones too. Without re-living it all again, all I can say is thank you Ray Ray for the late night "release" session last night. I definately needed that and things are much better today. I definately know that no one should be made to feel so low, so confused, so hurt. We all do go through our crazy stages from time to time,but I know that if we only heed the advices of our close friends who have experienced certain things in the past, we could save ourselves months, if not years of heart ache and heart break. But in our fleshy nature, we choose to go through everything that life has to offer. We choose to taste the forbidden fruit, even after been warned not to...over and over...and over again.

I must believe that the curse is broken. I know that there is so much truth and purity out there just waiting to be attained and used. Goodness, Faithfulness, Honesty,Committed/Committment, Righteousness, Love...these are all words that God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) speaks to our hearts everyday...not because they are elements of who He is, but because we have been made in His image, and these SHOULD BE elements of who we are.

Be Blessed This Day.


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