Now I really don't know who I am writing this for or who would be reading it. But I do feel the need to say something, even if it's just to remind myself of this day and time.
The easiest thing that comes to mind is that I am crazy EXCITED that my boys in Miami worn the championship last night. God knows I would have really cried if they hadn't (even though none of these people know I exist in any way, shape or form).
I am happy for them.
The next is the sad fact that I lost something that had been dear to me for many years now. I lost a part of myself, because of my insecurities and fear....I lost a part of me. But surprisingly, I did not find my below drenched with tears the next morning, or my mind scared to death wondering what next. I was ok. I am ok. The devil could sit here and try to make me think of who I lost it to, how I lost it, and how I need to continue fighting to hold on to something that isn't really mine to fight for....but as we all know...THE DEVIL IS (SUCH) A LIAR!!!!
So I need to pray more, hope more, and most of all, remember ( T....really remember) that anything I've lost wasn't for me anyways, and I deserve much, much more than pain, rejection, anger, resentment and the works. I would hate to be consumed by all those negatives, as I have been since the year began.
Hopefully, I will be able to spot "wrongness" from a distance and go the other direction. Stay blessed everyone.
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