Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Happy Belated Birthday to You!!!! and more

So how do I begin this entry???

I celebrated my birthday this past Sunday, Feb 5th. I was a year older, but my prayer was that I become wiser in my ways. Without turning this into an online diary, it was a good day. The entire weekend started of slow and crazy.
I just have to say a little bit on that. I had a good friend visiting on Friday. Sort of a 'Happy Birthday' visit. The day was going pretty well, but ended in one of the funniest, saddest yet embarassing way. I smile each time I remember that evening.

But luckily, all is not lost in that area. Infact, things are kind of ok but very, very complicated (the story of my life...lol)

I went out with a group of friends to a club we will definately not be returning to any time in the future. Man was it a sad night, and I wasted some good money too.
But all in all, my birthday was blessed with mostly family. Got so many texts messages that I 'm scared what my next bill would look like. But thanks you all who called. I felt trully loved.

Lately I find myself thinking about my future after school. This time last year, I thought that future was secured, But without looking back, I sort of thank God that things don't always work out the ay we plan. Some times I wish they would though, in order for alot of people not to get hurt. But I guess hurt and pain is part of life's lessons, without which, we would not appreciate who our Lord and Savior Jesus is and why He came. I am learning alot about the types of people there are around me, whether they be Africans, African Americans or whatever. From my friends to the stranger on the metro. I've met a few people who have made me think about my home country more than I have in forever. I live to be different. I want to make a difference, both in a small but drastic way.

I've thought about going back home to settle and work. Raise a family???? That's still in question. But I want to see change in Nigeria. Many of us young Africans are scared of going back home for one reason or the other, but the one that stands out the most is the lack of security in our home countries due to corruption and what not. Yes, that scares the heck out of me too but should that stop us or scare us off? Can we trully make a difference from out here, where there are opportunitities yes, but we are also limited in alot of ways when it comes to securing a good job??

I sometimes feel invinsible because I believe knowing who my God is makes all the difference. There have been many brilliant men and women before me, and I believe I won't be the last to think about this. But where do we as human draw the line and say this is all I can do or all that CAN BE done?? When should we throw in the towel and say 'I've done my best' or 'I can't risk this anymore'???

Ohhhh, one more thing. I've been reading up on some friends and seeing how they think. I don't know who will be reading this, but I hope whoever reads this is left with something to think about.
We as young, 'modern' christains want to make a difference or do things differently. From the way we look to they way we talk and live out our Christainity. Some of us don't want to be offensive when we some how tell someone about our faith and who Jesus Chirst is, some people don't metion Jesus Christ but choose to stict to saying just God, while others don't have to talk about thier faiths or beliefs at all.

Is there a right way to minister and help our neighbour and is there a wrong way to speak about God's unending love for us all???
I personally listen to people of any faith or belief, sharing their life experiences. Somehow, it buggs me when a Christain believer doesn't flinch or stand out from a crowd when a conversation abut God is going on. Not meaning to offend anyone, but shouldn't we speak differently about God because of the fact thwat Jesus Christ made and still makes all the difference in the world? Do we say prayers to God and leave His name out so that we are accepted by many and not hated because we made sure we let the other person know that there is God but we can't trully say we love Him without knowing and accepting who Christ is??
If anyone has anything to say about this, please feel free to give your little two cents(or more).