Saturday, April 22, 2006

Tear down and Build...Again

Ok.....So I've written like 4 times already this week. What can I say?? It's been an extraordinary week.
To top this off, I went on my first community service project yesterday. The University normally hosts a Volunteer day where anyone and everyone comes out, on this Friday, to do some community service. Yesterday, I felt special..I felt blessed because I was able to do something, for someone, in a way I had never experienced before.
My team (of about 15 people) went to work with Habitat for Humanity, and we spent all day tearing down walls, moving chunks or planks of wood (am I right?) and building. I used a Jack Hammer to make a holes 3 Ft deep and then I mixed up and poured cement into these holes. It was scary yet exciting. I wanted to do more, but my body was hinting that I didn't.
I might be part of the few people out here in America who are volunteering in this way, for the first time, but hey....I'm happy I have been able to do something, though little but significant nonetheless. The homes this group rebuild and send are beautiful inside and out, and they sell them for very cheap prices. These neighborhoods need a lot of help and work, and it does my heart glad that they are a group of people sacrificing their time, health and money to see that some form of change is brought about.

So thank you UB for giving me this great, great life-changing opportunity. All the volunteers we blessed at the end of the day...Unfortunately we didn't break down into Psalm singing all togehter.Hahahaha.I thank God for it.

Ohhhhhh...One last thing....MY PHONE IS BACK ON!!!Same number but different phone.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

...It's been many years, three years and a few months...but still I find myself in the same place. I find myself at your feet, O Lord, thoughtless but not hopeless, still, confused, unsure.

Search my heart and reveal to me the deep thruths that reside there. Search my character that I may beciome virtuous. Bless my future, that I would never feel what I felt.....many years, three years and a few months ago.Amen

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Currently at school. The time is exactly 11:16pm, and I am doing what I didn't think I'd be doing so soon. I'm messing with the enemy!!!

Ok well, not really. But somehow, only God knows if this is good for both my mental and spiritual health. (Lord, help me.)

I found myself reading a couple of profiles of some friends of mine on that site called TheFacebook. It seems that young adults are getting to know Christ for themselves. Atleast they are knowing of God and of Christ. It's encouraging to read the profiles of those I(personally) would not have thought were anywhere close to God that they would put scripture verses on their walls, or profiles....hmmm

Well today was good. I think I'm holding up pretty well with school and all. I'm on this mission to make more friends....more non-African friends. But I don't want to force anything you know. But with moving to Baltimore, I have met some of the most interesting people, from different backgrounds and beliefs. It's a little scary because it is something that's new and unusual for me.
Now, to speak from my heart. I'm on a road where I know I should not stop. Not for my past, not for my feelings, not for anything that does not sound or feel remotely "right". I need serious friends, who take the things of this life and of the next seriously. Who appreciates the blessings that God has bestowed, but is not afraid to make changes. I sometimes need to reminded that all things are TRULY possible. All I have to do is believe and bathe myself in this hard but priceless fact.
I miss my best friend. I long to have such priceless friendship again. I miss talking to my girls. I miss the sounds of reason and the hard truth about the state of my heart. I miss that hug..that touch...that look. Most of all, I miss that God in you.

I now realize that nothing....NOTHING makes my Spirit come alive like acknowledging who God truly is true the words of our lips. Have a blessed night in Jesus Name. AMEN.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Is there really an "Easter Monday"??? I think I've grown up hearing this that I''d never decided to take the time to confirm this for myself. I still have not figured this out, or thought about this day...So if you have anything to tell me about today, I am interested.

But there's one day I KNOW about. There's one thing I'm certain of, and that's I have been saved. I've been saved from the condemnation that comes from living this life, I've been saved from the power of sin, very importantly, I've been saved from MYSELF. Who did this and when did it happen? Our Savior and our Maker did it for me, took it all from me, and sacrificed it all for me over 2,000 years ago yesterday.

Yesterday was so blessed, and fortunately, I learnt something different. I read about how He was crucified on the cross, bearing the sin of all mankind, and we who rejoice in His life and death are to sacrifice ourselves daily, and bear our own crosses in order to continually follow Him. I realized that Easter Sunday is not the only day to truly celebrate it all, but everyday of my life. I am to be excited that I love because He died and because He lives to. I am sometimes too caught up in this life to remember to carry my cross. When I do decide to, the cross has to be dusted off, and for a couple of days, it seems heavier because it has been a while since I last carried it.
I doubt if that's the way we are to do things. From refusing to say His name at the end of every single prayer prayed in public or prices, to refusing to bless or thank anyone blesses or curses us. (As I write this, I try to include myself in this).I am eternally grateful to God, first and foremost, for choosing to love me while I was in my mess of messes, and for sacrificing His all despite the fact that I will continue to slip up, being that my heart is fickle and desperately wicked.
I will continue to try not to take this all for granted.

My Pastor made this shocking but true statement yesterday, and that is that you can ask almost everyone if they believe in God (or sometimes a God), and they would say "yes", but not everyone honestly believes God (God the Father, God the Son/Word, God the Holy Spirit).

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,[a] that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16)

Happy Easter Everybody....Everyday:-D

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Today was, and still remains a beautiful day. Palm Sunday, when our Lord entered into Jerusalem before He was crucified and raised up from the dead, all because of you and I.
Service was educational yet powerful. I learnt that living Righteously was (and is) the answer to all our problems in life. This is the answer I have so prayed to God for for so many months and years. You think you know something about a certain subject, but you are put to shame when someone who has taken the time to learn and live the truth speaks about that same subject. It wows me all the time, and I am grateful to God for the ability to be wowed, especially when it has to do with my personal growth in all areas of my life.
One sad thing that happened today though was that I lost my cell phone. I have a feeling that someone picked it up, in church, with the INTENTION to hand it over to an usher, BUT (for Christ sake, I am believing this) got all caught up in the Spirit and the great message that was being preached, that they forgot to hand it over.
SO I had to turn off my phone, for the next 30 days or until I am able to afford a new one or better yet, find my old baby.
So if you are reading this, please send your number to me in the mail. Apart from a very few numbers, I wasn't able to memorize a lot of them. So I might have to start from square one :-(

But all things will work together for my good. I just have to remain joyful and have faith that it all will. Happy Palm Sunday.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

First for April

It's very funny that I started my blog a couple of months or so before my dear friend (u know who u did. But for some reason , this woman has written more "publishable" material than I. I think that definitely needs to change somehow.

So I actually just got done reading her blog, and as usual, I was pushed to post something. I love reading her blog because we both seem to be on the same path n life, and that is figuring out how God truly wants to write HIS love story in each of our lives. Though we are different people, we seems to have very good conversations that always leave me feeling like I do deserve better, that I should do more, have more. I am grateful to have such a friends.

Well lately I've been trying to do more. I've had to step way out of my comfort zone and be adventurous...(like being young and crazy isn't enough).I see growth and many possibilities ahead, and for the first time in a long time, I feel like I am taking the necessary steps to grab onto something else, something (or someone) that wants to mean more to me than ever before. He wants me to really believe that my heart needs in my life is in Him. It is Him. And for some reason, I've been scared to totally let go of all my abilities, trying to work out my inabilities by myself...My way...At my own time.
Well, just like my dear friends, I see that I can never do anything on my own, and I thank God for that revelation. I am young and wild (at heart) and I sure do need someone to put a leash on me every once in a while, if not always. And even as I discover the path I am to take with my job preference, my friendships and my faith, I somehow am kind of ready for anything.